Road network management

Innovation axis – 4

Priority management (traffic lights), access regulation, low emission zones regulation and monitoring, parking space management.

28 Apr 2023

Versailles Grand Parc – Ile de France - IDF_03 - Impact evaluation and future design of low emission zones and restricted traffic zones​

Scenarios evaluation is crucial to understand the impact of low-emission zones (ZFE) on vehicle fleet and modal shift in Vers...
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28 Apr 2023

Lisbon - LIS_02 - Promote, extend services and prioritise PT

This measure will analyse the PT network using advanced tools and big data analytics to identify factors affecting commercial...
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09 May 2023

Thessaloniki - TES_03 - To improve transit services through dynamic multimodal management of PT corridor

This measure aims to enhance the management of public transport and pedestrian movements along Egnatia street. Various scenar...
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28 Apr 2023

Leuven - LEU_07 - Increase the quality of the PT services through traffic management and dedicated lanes for PT ​

The city of Leuven, the regional public transport operator and the regional authorities are currently working on redesigning...
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28 Apr 2023

Lisbon - LIS_01 - Restrict car access in the city

This measure proposes traffic restrictions around schools and other facilities to promote safer and more active modes of tran...
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26 Apr 2023

Rome - ROM_07 - Use of advanced technology to increase the efficiency and reliability of PT

The upgraded Traffic Management Centre (TMC) in Rome oversees and manages various aspects of mobility services and traffic co...
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09 May 2023

Hannover region - HAN_05 - U-SUMP

The upcoming adoption of Hannover Region’s new mobility development plan prompts the need to monitor SUMP goals effectively...
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26 Apr 2023

Rome - ROM_02 - Promoting modal shift towards PT with the implementation of a LEZ in Rome Zone 3

The measure combines policies and ITS to implement restrictions according to a Roadmap indicated by the City Administration....
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09 May 2023

Thessaloniki - TES_02 - To simulate and analyze the needs of PT for LEZ demand fulfilment

Thessaloniki aims to implement a Low Emission Zone (LEZ) in the Rotonda area and optimize public transport (PT) services acco...
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28 Apr 2023

Lisbon - LIS_05 - To enhance multimodal interconnection with the peri-urban municipalities

This measure aims to enhance the city's cycle path network, improving security, connectivity, comfort, and coherence. The exp...
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28 Apr 2023

Leuven - LEU_03 - To increase visibility and ease of use of public transport by offering improved information on public transport, parking and shared mobility options

The measure involves revamping public transport, parking, and shared mobility information, including timetables, costs, disru...
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09 May 2023

Thessaloniki - TES_04 - To influence modal shift through congestion sensitive parking pricing

The outcome of this measure will be a report proposing dynamic parking pricing policies. Participatory processes and user sur...
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09 May 2023

Budapest - BUD_06 - To improve the exisiting PT prioritizing tools in Budapest

The measure will focus on the possible introduction of further interventions in brand new locations with the aim to prioritiz...
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09 May 2023

Thessaloniki - TES_06 - Social optimum-based traffic management to reduce PT travel times and increase user satisfaction

The UPPER measures are currently being revised by the relevant partners. More details will follow soon....
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27 Apr 2023

Valencia - VAL_04 - To reduce travel times through the implementation of dedicated bus lanes

This measure will assess, plan, and test a dedicated bus lane (BRT) connecting the Maritime District with the city centre via...
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